This page is a place to share sites, links, books, learning opportunities, inspirational quotes, and any other avenues that allow the chance to share positive energy. If you have a suggestion to add to this page, please send a message through the "contact" tab.
Camp Chesterfield: Spiritualist College in Indiana (Lorenda takes many classes here and her mentor, Rev Glenda Cadarette, is an instructor) Online and in-person classes available
Pam Sears: Author of several books, creator of an oracle deck, and amazing psychic medium
Carey Kaas: psychic medium, Akashic records, mentor, Sacred Seer School founder
Intuitive Rob: Creator of Amazing tarot and oracle decks!
Hannah Mcintyre Medium, author of "You are a Medium (You Just Don't Know it Yet" and host of the podcast "Mediumship Matters"
Mystic Myne Designs: Creates my custom crowns as well as many other amazing things!!
John Edward has a great book that is good for anyone looking to improve and understand their own journey using intuition and psychic abilities. It is called "Infinite Quest"
"Infinite Quest"
"Infinite Quest"
Debbie Loshbough uses a fusion of modern and ancient healing techniques to help you heal yourself from the inside out. She is a Higher Brain Living® facilitator. Higher Brain Living® is a phenomenal technology that helps shift you into your Higher Brain to live your Fearlessly Authentic Life. She also uses Dr. Darren Weissman’s LifeLine Technique, as well as another breakthrough technology called Atlas Balancing, plus Reiki and much, much more.